Weathering the Storm: Flood Insurance

Flooding in Baxley Georgia August 30th 2023

Hello, dear readers! As your local insurance agent in our small town, I want to share a personal story about the recent hurricane we faced and how having private flood insurance brought immense peace of mind during these trying times.…

Controlling Workers’ Compensation Costs

Controlling Workers’ Compensation Costs Has your construction business experienced rising workers’ compensation costs due to on-the-job accidents? If so, your first response was most likely aimed at trying to reduce insurance costs and spending. While this may seem like the…

8 Ways to Save On Auto Insurance

Know your car insurance

Courtesy of Rentz & Rentz Insurance Inc 8 Ways to Save On Auto Insurance Rising premiums may leave you wondering what you can do to save money on auto insurance. While you can’t control all of the factors influencing your…

Reviewing Your Homeowners Insurance Policy Limits

Know your home insurance

Courtesy of Rentz & Rentz Insurance Inc Reviewing Your Homeowners Insurance Policy Limits With ever-fluctuating home values, are you confident your homeowner’s insurance policy limits are enough to cover the cost of rebuilding your home, should the unexpected happen? The…

Market Value vs. Reconstruction Value

Know your home insurance

Courtesy of Rentz & Rentz Insurance Inc Market Value / Reconstruction Value You buy your house for $200,000.  A hurricane destroys it.  When you rebuild, it cost $300,000.  Why?  Prices of materials go up, labor is higher, and supply and…

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